CH751 Baggage Door Cam Lock Replacement
CH751 Baggage Door Cam Lock Replacement

CH751 Baggage Door Cam Lock Replacement

Your Price: $13.00
CH751 Baggage Door Cam Lock Replacement
Part Number: CLB

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Replace your CH751 keyed Baggage Door Cam Lock

Many RV manufacturers use the same lock on their baggage/compartment doors.  This replacement Cam Lock can be used so your RV doesn't have the same security lock as the other trailers in the RV park.
Threads are 3/4" in diameter.

You will need to know how long your lock is by measuring the threaded area.  It should be 7/8", 1-1/8", 1-3/8" or 1-3/4".  You will use your original cam, not included.

These are made by Global Link and use the purple head G Key.

This kit includes:
1 Cam Lock
1 Retainer Nut
1 Screw to hold cam in place
1 Key 

You will use the original cam on your existing lock.

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